ED2 didn't make all those changes to put the new film into a different continuity, but rather it was necessitated by their inability to either use the original footage or to spend the requisite time and money to recreate the events of the first film faithfully. The recaps serve the same purpose, and only the extent of the modifications necessary were different. However, there's a big difference between Back to the Future II having a shot-for-shot recap of the ending to Back to the Future I because the original Jennifer couldn't return, and showing a recap at the beginning of Evil Dead II that completely eliminates three of the characters, changes the context as to how the incantations were played on the tape recorder, etc., etc.And that difference is what? A difference in degree or in kind? What's the difference between showing a different actor in a recap and streamlining the plot in a recap by eliminating some characters? I say its a difference in degree, as seen by the intent both times: the recaps were done differently out of necessity, but the second films were still meant to be a continuous story. Djotell - there's no denying if you skip the intro to Evil Dead II, it picks up where Evil Dead I left off.